Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What’s Next For American Airlines

What Bankruptcy Means for Travelers and American Airlines

Bankruptcy reorganization can be painful and disruptive for airline creditors, employees, retirees, suppliers, shareholders and even competitors, but the impact on passengers is far less: planes keep flying, frequent-flier miles are still good, reservations are still honored.  The Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection filing by American Airlines and its parent, AMR Corp., will likely not have much direct impact on travelers. American will no doubt get smaller, and so reducing flight schedules will have long-term impact. In the short term, there might even be a “bankruptcy sale’’ to entice flyers to keep buying tickets on American.  WSJ Airline writer Scott McCartney has more. Download MP3

Cain Mulls Campaign’s Future

Herman Cain said Tuesday he is assessing whether to continue his presidential quest after a Georgia woman’s allegations that they had a lengthy extramarital affair fed doubts about the viability of his campaign.  In a conference call with campaign aides, the Republican candidate said he would decide over the next several days how to proceed after weighing whether the woman’s statement created “too much of a cloud” among his supporters.  WSJ’s Neil King discusses what the future may hold for Mr. Cain

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