Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Alpha Aviation Gets Simulator Accreditation

Manila Bulletin
December 12, 2012

Aviation training provider Alpha Aviation Group Philippines (AAG Philippines) announced the accreditation of its A320 Full Flight Simulator by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP).

EASA granted AAG the Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Qualification Certificate, while CAAP awarded the Flight Simulator Accreditation. EASA incorporates and monitors safety rules as well as type-certification of aircrafts and components, among others.

Meanwhile, CAAP is responsible for establishing policies on Philippine civil aviation as well as implementing rules and regulations for aircraft and air facilities in the country.

AAG Philippines' Airplane Simulator Training Device includes a course on the A320-200, including initial, recurrent, and refresher trainings.

"Our EASA certificate and CAAP accreditation mark another milestone for AAG Philippines and our mission of delivering quality aviation training services to our partners in the airline industry," said Merit Gabriel, Vice President-Commercial, AAG Philippines.

The FSTD Qualification Certificate is awarded when an organization's roles and responsibilities satisfy industry standards. There are four types of FSTDs, namely, the full flight simulator, flight training device, flight navigation procedures trainer, and basic instrument training device.

To ensure safety and excellent training of pilots, FSTD standards undergo periodic evaluations. This strengthens the credibility of the international criteria that sustains trainings within UK Type Rating Training Organizations as per the Civil Aviation Authority International (CAAI).

These standards oversee the consistent quality of the device and simulator operator through regular technical evaluation, quality system assessment, and standard audits within regulatory requirements.

"We are very proud of this achievement, which reinforces our commitment to global civil aviation standards," said AAG general manager Nigel Harris.

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