Thursday, October 4, 2012

EASA To Amend Rules On Flight & Duty Time Limitations

Manila Bulletin
October 4, 2012
By Edu Lopez

MANILA, Philippines — The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has proposed some changes in the current EU rules on flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements (FTL) for commercial air transport.

The proposed rules contain more than 30 safety improvements compared to current requirements and introduce new limitations to the way crews can be scheduled.

EASA said the proposed rules take full account of the fact that fatigue is one of the main factors affecting human performance and makes no provision for increased pilot flight hours.

On the contrary, allowed duty periods at night are reduced, rest for flights with time zone crossings is significantly increased, and new rules are introduced for limiting crew standby.

These FTL rules are the final step in a fully transparent rulemaking process, with unprecedented scientific input and public consultation. More than 50 scientific studies were analysed, while all concerned stakeholder groups including flight and cabin crew organizations, airlines and member-state representatives were consulted throughout the process.

Commenting on the proposed rules, EASA Executive Director, Patrick Goudou, said: “These harmonized flight crew duty time rules are based on scientific evidence, risk assessment and best practice. EASA proves once again its commitment to make no compromise with the safety of air passengers in Europe and throughout the world.”

The proposed rules would be finalized by the European Commission and must be approved by member-states, with Parliamentary scrutiny. The new rules are expected to be adopted into EU law after mid-2013 and fully implemented by the end of 2015.

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